Ketamine Therapy

Is Your Mental Health Struggling Despite Trying Counseling, Medications And Self-Care Practices?

Do you struggle with persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness despite trying multiple forms of treatment? Are you haunted by past traumatic events, unable to let go and move forward? Do you constantly worry, feel restless, on edge, or unable to relax even in peaceful environments?

Maybe you’ve become stuck in the depressive phase of bipolar disorder despite regularly taking your medication. Or perhaps you’re struggling to overcome drug or alcohol addiction.

Deep down, you truly desire a treatment option that can bring lasting relief, happiness, and a brand new meaning to your life.

man looking out of rainy window

What Is Ketamine Therapy?

Ketamine is an FDA-approved medication that can be prescribed off-label for mental health purposes. It is used to address a myriad of mental health conditions, including anxiety, treatment-resistant depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), substance abuse, PTSD, chronic pain, and passive suicidal ideation. 

During sessions, clients are administered a controlled amount of ketamine in a safe, supervised setting. It creates a trance-like state in which you experience positive emotions, creativity, energy, and inspiration, resulting in new insight and perspective that you can use moving forward. 

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The Benefits Of Ketamine Psychotherapy

Ketamine therapy offers you a breakthrough experience in a safe, private, and supportive environment with the guidance of a licensed therapist. You can unlock the full potential of ketamine treatment by combining the neurological effects of the medication with powerful therapeutic insights. 

You will have the opportunity to discuss, process, and integrate every aspect of the ketamine experience with a therapist who specializes in helping people recover from chronic, treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. 

After taking ketamine, people often experience a sense of detachment from their usual sense of self and thoughts. They can see their lives in a novel way. This helps them to become unstuck from unhelpful, repetitive thoughts and habits that perpetuate depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Ketamine also increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). These changes enhance the ability of the neurons in the brain to form new connections and even help neurons that have been damaged by the chronic stress of mental health conditions heal and regrow. Ketamine encourages healthier connections between neural networks, which increases executive functioning—the ability to regulate emotions, pay attention, inhibit impulses, and think rationally.

Ketamine Therapy— The Mindful Counseling Solutions Approach

My approach to ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is designed to ensure a supportive, safe, and transformative experience. Here’s what you can expect from the process:

Initial Consultation

Your journey begins with a free 30-minute consultation with me. During this session, we will discuss your current mental health concerns, treatment history, and what you hope to achieve with ketamine therapy. This consultation allows us to determine if ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is the right approach for you.

If you are deemed an appropriate candidate, a collaborating physician will prescribe the medication, which will be mailed to you by a pharmacy. 

Treatment Day

Before taking ketamine, you are required to fast for four hours. Detailed instructions from your physician will be provided. The treatment session will take place during a two-hour therapy appointment. You will take the ketamine sublingually, placing tablets in your cheeks or under your tongue to dissolve for several minutes. We do not use IVs or needles.

During the session, you will receive comfort materials including an eye mask, pillows, a blanket, and special music. The effects of the medication will last approximately one hour, and I will be present to ensure you feel comfortable and safe. While most people prefer not to speak during the experience, we can address anything you wish to discuss either during or after the session.


Tea, water, and sparkling water will be made available after your session for added comfort. After the effects of the medication wear off, we will discuss your experience. We will explore any insights you had, how the session felt, and what you can take from the experience to help change your life for the better. Additional sessions before and after the ketamine treatments may be scheduled to establish goals, review progress, and assess symptoms.

Course of Treatment

A typical course of ketamine treatment consists of six to ten sessions, administered one to two times per week. Some individuals may benefit from additional rounds of treatment or occasional booster doses.

It is crucial that you do not drive yourself to and from the session. Please arrange transportation and plan to have a relaxed rest of the day to maximize the benefits of the treatment. Engaging in activities like walking, listening to music, or spending time with friends and family can be especially beneficial.

A close up of pink pills in a tray

A Life Of Tranquility Is Within Reach

Ketamine therapy is an evidence-based, effective therapeutic approach for those with anxiety, treatment-resistant depression, trauma/PTSD, passive suicidal ideation, or drug and alcohol abuse. If you or a loved one is struggling with your mental health and nothing seems to be making a difference— maybe ketamine therapy is the solution you’ve been searching for.

I have completed a Ketamine-Assisted Therapy certification course through Skylight Psychedelics, a physician-led ketamine prescriber and training practice. I can help you experience transformative healing.

Please schedule a free 30-minute consultation or call me at (303) 748-4730

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