Are you wondering if you're depressed and might benefit from depression treatment?

Many people don't know they're depressed because they don't know the signs. Others don't want to admit they're depressed, even though depression is a very treatable condition.

Take this free depression quiz  about how you've been feeling the last two weeks or more, especially if you feel depression has been interfering with your life.


Are you feeling depressed or sad, most of the day, nearly everyday?


Have you lost interest or pleasure in thing you normally enjoy?


Have you lost or gained weight, even though you haven't changed your eating? Or have you lost or increased your appetite?


Are you having difficulty sleeping (insomnia) or sleeping to much?


Do you feel like you're moving slowly, or having difficulty staying still?


Do you feel tired or fatigued most of the day?


Have you been feeling worthless or guilty?


Are you having difficulty concentrating?


Are you having thoughts of suicide or death?

Thank you for taking this assessment. Your results will be emailed to you and my confidential email. I look forward to helping you if needed.

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